A story about my uncle tv tropes
A story about my uncle tv tropes

Monochrome Past: Flashbacks are composed of mostly black and white imagery.The Maze: Chapter 13 leads you to through a garish maze of a house with hideous wallpapers.Lobotomy: In the final scene, Renée is undergoing lobotomy surgery, presumably turning her into an Empty Shell for the rest of her life.I Never Got Any Letters: Renée discovers that correspondence from her mother did not reach her.In the 1930s, homosexuality was considered a mental illness and could land someone in a sanitarium. An alternative interpretation is that Renée's suppressed homosexuality turned her into a Psycho Lesbian.

a story about my uncle tv tropes

It doesn't help that Renée was molested as a child by different men. It makes you realize how long of a way we have come in understanding how the human mind works and how mental illnesses can be treated effectively.

  • Hysterical Woman: Renée's story is one where her womanhood was pathologized.
  • But then we cut to the present day and explore Renée's time leading up to that scene.
  • How We Got Here: The game opens with Renée waking up at the asylum in 1942, right before the lobotomy surgery was to take place.
  • Ghost Butler: Some doors are plot-sensitive and open on their own once you have unlocked a new chapter.
  • Sometimes takes the form of a Flashback Cut when we only see a flash of a memory bubbling up like when she was making love to a stranger in the greenhouse or took a visit to the Depraved Dentist.
  • Flashback: Renée walks the corridors of the derelict asylum which triggers flashbacks of both her inpatient stay and circumstances prior.
  • Fade to White: Going with the idea of light, the standard chapter transition is to a Loading Screen consisting of just a white background.
  • Eye Cam: The first part of the lobotomy surgery is seen through Renée's eye where her eyelids open and close as she watches up from the operation table.
  • The scene plays out like a Nightmare Sequence and fades to white when the procedure begins.

    a story about my uncle tv tropes a story about my uncle tv tropes

    Electroconvulsive Therapy Is Torture: A flashback shows Renée undergo electroshock therapy.Driven to Suicide: After several years of communication censoring by hospital staff, Renéediscovers that her mother died and tried to take her own life on multiple occasions.Downer Ending: The story ends with a doctor narrating that the long-term recovery for Renée post-surgery is unclear but it doesn't look good.Creepy Uncle: Onofrio, a friend of Renée's mother, supported the family but apparently also molested Renée.

    A story about my uncle tv tropes